Mineral water

Italian tap water is drinkable in hard water, but most people will buy the mineral water of plastic in the shop. There Gassata Akkua Nato~urare-, gas-filled, and Eiffel ve Shen Te natural sparkling water of the type of water. There 500m ℓ, 1 ℓ, 1,5 ℓ, 2 ℓ is the amount. Water to prepare a vitamin such as calcium and magnesium have also been sold in recent years.

Bath room

It is not recommended for use as long as necessary in particular would be good toilet in the city, so not a very safe place and not hygienic. Better to use, such as shops and bars rather is safe. There is also a place where you are so designed that the gate is open if applicable or pay directly to the person in charge a lot, and turning on the coins toilet inside the station. Royalties€ 0,50 ~ € 1 about

