Name of the country

English: Russian Federation

Russian: Российская Федерация

State flag

It compounds from horizontal stripe of three colors which stand for respectively:

white- nobility
blue- honesty
red- courage or love

State symbol

This design is derived from the first symbol of Russian empire state. It includes the Byzantin double-headed eagle in the red field, combined with St. Giorge of Moscow in the Russian coat of arms. Three golden crowns stand for integral sovereignty and unity.

Time difference

Moscow is 8 hours ahead of New York in DST period. This DST (Daylight Saving Time) was applied to Moscow until 2011. From 2012 to 2019, in Moscow, the time has no change. So, when U.S. ends DST (2nd Nov 2014-the date is subject to change every year), time difference between Moscow and New York will be 9 hours (until the second Sunday of March -variable).

Entry requirements

To enter in Russia, it's necessary to possess Russian visa in addition to passport. Passport must be valid at least for 6 months beyond intended stay. Russian visas are issued for single, double or multiple entries. You need to show some documents (flight tickets, booking sheet of hotels or a letter acceptance for labor etc) that prove your trip in Russia. The dates of validity and the number of entries are determined according to the dates and number of entries specified on the official invitation at the discretion of the Russian Consulate.

General Information of Russia

Name of the country: English: Russian Federation
Russian: Российская Федерация
Area: 17,098,242km2, 6,592,800sq.miles
Population: 143,700,000
Capital: Moscow (11,500,000)
Language: Officially Russian, on the top of it, there are 27 other official languages spoken by 170 diverse ethnic groups.
Tribal composition: Russian 81% (3,9% Tartars), Ukrainians 1,4%, Bashkirs 1,2%, Chuvashs 1,1%, Chechens 1%, unknown 3,9%
Currency: Russian ruble (RUB)
Calling code: +7
Religion: Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism

