Japan General Information and Public Holidays

the Country Name

■Japanese: 日本(Nippon or Nihon;;;; formally 日本国)
■English: Japan


The national flag of Japan is officially called Nisshoki, meaning sun-mark flag, and is also called Hinomaru in which means "circle of the sun." The flag of Japan features a red circle on a white background.

Official language



Area Total377,914km2
Population126,659,683 (2012)
Ethnic Groups98.5% Japanese, 0.5% Korean, 0.4% Chinese, 0.6% other
ReligionShinto: 105 million people, Buddhism: 89 million people, Christian: 3 million, Other: 10 million

National Holidays

January 1stNew Year's Holiday
The 2nd Monday of JanuaryComing-of-Age Day
February 11thNational Foundation Day
March 20thVernal Equinox Day
April 29thShowa Day
May 3rdConstitution Memorial Day
May 4thGreenery Day
May 5thChildren's Day
The 3rd Monday of JulyMaritime Day
The 3rd Monday of SeptemberRespect for the Aged Day
September 23rdAutumnal Equinox Day
The 2nd Monday of OctoberHealth and Sports Day
November 3rdCulture Day
November 23rdLabor Thanksgiving Day
December 23rdThe Emperor's Birthday

