
Israel has both desert climate and Mediterranean climate . Features rainy in winter basically , the rain 's little rain in the summer .
Sometimes it is long in the vertical terrain , climate is different in the north and south , it is also the personality of each spot of each also .
Towards the north there are many green rainfall often . Desert mostly of rain is not little rain in the south .
Since temperature slightly higher or much the same as the Japan basically , it may be a dress tailored to the four seasons of Japan .

It's an image called hot all year round and say [ winter ] the Middle East , Israel because cold winter , need jacket for winter .
The average minimum temperature of Jerusalem about 6 ℃. About 9 ℃ if Tel Aviv . The warmer than Tokyo on the whole , but sometimes it snows in some areas .

Rain does not rain most of [ summer ] summer , not to damp as Japan , you are carat . Feeling that hot rather than to be hot .
Dress is fully dressed rough T-shirts to jeans . However, since it is necessary to avoid such as tours of the mosque , the exposure of the skin , long sleeves also may have

Eksarek with snow

