Climate Throughout Kyoto Prefecture

The average annual temperature is 5.6°C. Annual rainfall is 545.4 mm. The temperature goes as high as 39.8°C, and as low as -9.4°C.
Summers are hot. Winters are cold generally no central heating except hotels. There are four distinct seasons. The atmosphere in the cities and towns differs greatly depending on the season of the year.
The rainy season is from June to July, when it rains continuously.

* When To Go To Kyoto: The best times to visit Kyoto are October/November (fall) and March/April/May (spring).

The four seasons

■ Spring (March - May)
Spring in Japan is one of the most beautiful and pleasant seasons in Japan, and thus is the prime tourist season for Japanese and others coming from abroad.The weather is pleasantly warm with little humidity. Cherry blossoms, the national flower of Japan, can be seen in the most picturesque scenes in Kyoto, and are the highlight of the season. Pack lightweight jackets and sweaters.

■ Summer (June - August)
Summer in Kyoto is quite humid, with temperatures reaching 38°C (100.4°F) Bring light clothing like tanks and shorts, but also a long-sleeve top to put on in heavily air-conditioned facilities. From the middle of June to July is tsuyu, the rainy season, so be sure to pack rain-wear.

■ Autumn (September - November)
The intense colors of fall leaves are the main feature for autumn in Kyoto, best seen against the background of temples and shrines. Mild temperatures and wonderful afternoon light. Bring light jackets and sweaters, perhaps a light scarf as well.

■ Winter (December - February)
Winter can be quite cold, and snow falls only a few days of the year. Nevertheless, pack warm coats and sweaters, jackets, scarves, and gloves.

