The Bahai Garden
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Area:Haifa   Genre: Religion   World heritage


  • Religion   World heritage

Holy Land Baha'ist flowers of the four seasons color

Baha'i gardens to symbolize the Haifa and say 's third city , following Tel Aviv , to Jerusalem .
There is a port of the ship , probably because you have one side of the entrance of the sea of Israel , There is an atmosphere open-minded religious , Haifa is a city with mixed many minority religion of Judaism other than .

There is a mausoleum of the founder Barb of Barb religion , the predecessor of the Baha'i religion , the beauty of the flowers of the four seasons and abundant trees and the surrounding luxurious Baroque building is different again to the sect of others in the Israel Baha'i garden I can enjoy the impression was .
If you are a structure , such as cut the slope of a small mountain , you go up to the top and up the slope of the park , garden overlooking the port city Haifa .
Garden itself is beautiful , but the view of the city and the sea is the best .

The World Heritage Site is registered in the " Baha'i Holy Land group of western Galilee and Haifa " , this garden there should be called the symbol .

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80 Sderot Hatsiyonut, Haifa
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